Friday, January 11, 2013

This Here update

On this here January 11, 2013, I would like to write about my current life status. I am taking five classes; three of which are of historic in nature. well, 'doctrine of the church' i consider historic simply because it is most effectively learned from scripture, the best recorded history we have today. The other two, Church history and World history speak for themselves. I lack memory from high school or grammar school history because of my apathetic attitude toward it. Because of this, I am learning quite a bit of exciting information. I am also taking an English literature course. It is taken online. Reading is one of my most favoritist pass times. :) British Lit tends to have, in my opinion, more  volume and thought provoking material. However, I do believe one's mind is only as useful as he makes it. Needless to say, I look forward to this next ten weeks of intense reading and taking in as much knowledge as possible.

In the event of a new year here are some personal goals of mine. Inspiration and encouragement are my intent in sharing.
    I intend to discipline myself to prayer, not only prayer, but in documenting the works of God in my life and the lives of others. Practically, I write a one line theme every day of the week. It may be the grace of God, the miracles of faith, the outworking of my salvation, my attitude, love, self-control etc. I find a verse to match up with that theme and meditate on it during the day.
    Vocabulary is a struggle for me. Learning to use more words and spell them correctly is tough. I love to write, and would like to help others and communicate well someday with my writing. Therefore, I need to be a student in the Word of God, but also the English language. A great way to add to my understanding of our language is through the internet. Get a word every day via email and write it down in a journal. Copy the origin of that word, and how we use it. Use this word twice in conversation during the course of the day. You find that often these uncommon words will come up in your writing or in conversation when looking for a descriptive word. A wider variety in speech brings much clarity! As followers Jesus, we need to be clear and descriptive in teaching the Word he spoke on earth, in short, the gospel.

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