One week ago today my eldest brother was bound in a marriage covenant. I typically do not like weddings. I try to shy away from revealing the fact that I'm pretty cynical, but I just am. It is definitely something that needs to change. God blessed me with a beautiful example of his Grace through marriage in my mom and dad. After Shawn's wedding last week, I now by the grace of God, see marriage much more purposeful. God is amazingly glorified through a man and a women vowing to share their lives together no matter what. Two sinners who on their own are enemies of God and cannot worship God through marriage, come together(by God's perfect redemptive love) enables those two sinners to represent the gospel.
When I think of binding myself to one person until I die, it scares me. Thoughts run through my head like: I can't love someone that long. What if he turns out to be someone else? What if he doesn't really love Jesus?What if I cause him to stop loving me? These are all genuine things to think through, but when Christ lays down his life for the kingdom of God, we can live in complete freedom. We have joy and strength in Christ that is utterly impossible to explain. 2 Corinthians 12 talks about Paul's ailments which seem to limit him in his ministry, but he teaches us that God's strength is literally made perfect through our weaknesses. We can rejoice in God bringing two people together who live to showcase who he really is. This then radically changes the response to and in marriage. I look forward to the day I bind myself to one man for the rest of my life.
Ephesians 5:24 "Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands."
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